Two scientists, right? They're sitting in their lab and they got all the gear. They got the flasks, they got the lab coats, they got the goggles, they got the beakers, they got the test tubes, they got the petri dishes, they got a lot of stuff in general is what I'm saying. One scientists says to the other, whilst pouring some purple stuff into some green stuff, "Hey, you like doing experiments, right?" His science buddy, she's roasting some funky dead organism over a bunsen burner for
some wild science reason when she looks up at her comrade. "Yeah, I love doing experiments. You get to do all this new stuff that ain't not never been done before, right? Only thing 'bout it is that I ain't found no good use for my film degree." And her pal, he lights up. Literally, his dumb lab coat sleeve catches on the bunsen burner cause he gets so excited. So now he's burning to death cause these couple morons didn't keep a fire extinguisher or one of those retarded blankets to save the poor guy with. But his friend, suddenly she gets an idea. She fumbles around in her Science Bag for her video camera which she keeps with her just in case the need arises and starts filming her friend burning to death. So later, after the guy scientist is dead, she takes her footage to the editing program she's got on her computer and she slows the footage down x1.5, she puts a funky filter over it, and she puts some homemade vaporware film. Later she becomes an Oscar winner and her friend's ashes aren't even collected. Pretty wicked, right?
So that's kind of what experimental films mean to me. Abstract and up for interpretation and something that someone could make-up on the spot like I did with this concept but at the same time pretty cool. Cause not everyone could just think of something like that, right? A scientist burning to death in slow motion with Macintosh Pro playing in the background? That sounds experimental to me. Like someone was making this and was thinking "I don't know what's gonna happen!"